Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fish are Friends....Not Food

So a little while ago while we were spending some quality time together, we decided to go FEED THE FISH!!!!! (For normal people feeding fish is a stupid thing to do, but for two bored girls, it is the most fun thing to do.) So we gathered up some old moldy bread and went to the pond in my (Elizabeth) back yard. 
Some really gross moldy bread. ewww
If you look closely you can see the fishies :)

Gianna had to apologize to a fish for accidentally hitting it with a piece of bread.
After some fun with the fishies, we went and had a photo shoot in my back yard. The pictures actually turned out well even though we were being weird.


We had a blast together on this little adventure:) Maybe this will inspire you and your best friend to go out and spend some time together just being goofy and stupid. 
Lots of Love,
E & G

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Friendship Bucket List

Hi guys!!!!!!!!! So a while ago we made a Friendship Bucket List!!!!  One night while we were at my (Elizabeth) house, we spent about 5 hours putting this list together. As much as we love this list, we hate how long it took us to put together. hahaha Some of the things on the list are pretty stupid but we are two dorks, so we enjoy stupid things :) The point of this list was to help us bond and to make us go out into the world and actually do things.  So here it is....

We hope that you think it is cute. hahaha We have already crossed some of these things off the list. Our plan is to post pictures of the things we do. So look at our list and steal some of the ideas and go have a girls night out with your best friend :) 
Lots of love,
E & G

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Start of Something New

Hi Guys!!! So this whole blogging thing is a little different for us. We have never done it before but we thought we would give it a try. 
There is two of us. Gianna and Elizabeth. We have known each other since we were 3 and we have been besties ever since. 
So, welcome to our life! We are to best friends who are self proclaimed uninteresting people. Yeah, we are a little crazy and happen to love boy bands, but we needed a little spice in our lives. So we created a bucket list. 50 things we  HAVE to do as friends. This blog is a way to document each thing we check off our bucket list.

Also we love doing weird things and making eachother laugh. So we hope that we can share our live with anybody who wants to read about it. We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do:)
Lots of love,
G & E